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Felice Saldutti’s work is the perfect marriage of his Italian heritage and American childhood. Born in Italy, Saldutti grew up in a small neighborhood in Philadelphia.  

Saldutti began drawing as a young man, emulating the work of his childhood mentor, Jack Kirby. It was the friendship and advice given by the American icon Jack Kirby that encouraged Saldutti to pursue his love of drawing. At the age of sixteen, Felice received his first commission. While word of mouth spread, the young artist enrolled in the Philadelphia College of Art. His drive, discipline, and love of classical painting techniques drove his continued self-education. He left for Italy, withdrawing from school to rediscover his roots in the hillsides of Castelfranci.

In 1973, Felice opened his own studio on Philadelphia’s Avenue of the Arts, focusing on portraits, figurative studies, and while creating backdrops for Promusica. Saldutti closed the doors to his studio and returned to Italy in 1978, where he discovered the lighting and landscapes that inspired the Sublime. Over the next twenty years, Saldutti went on to work with Sterling Europa and received numerous awards and large commissions from Nola, the Italian government, and various municipalities throughout Italy.  

Felice returned to America with his family in 1997. Commissions, honors, and his clientele in Italy continued to grow as Felice’s following expanded in the U.S.  

Today, the paintings of Felice Saldutti are instantly recognizable. The aggressive palette and Spartan composition of the still lifes coupled with a deep passion for precise rendering has a quiet modernism that speaks to today’s minimalist styles.  

Felice Saldutti
The Road Home/Oil on Panel/9"x10"
The Artists Wish/Oil on Canvas/30"x30"
Frutta Sospessa/Oil on Panel/20"x16"
Nude Study/Oil on Panel/10"x16"
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